It’s getting chillier here in Norfolk, and Halloween is just around the corner. Soon, it’ll be time for costumes, pumpkins, and lots of sugary treats. Whatever festivities you’re participating in this Halloween, keep in mind that the spooky holiday isn’t for every pet. Here are a few tips to keep your furry friends safe and content.
1. Consider the costume
Some pets feel comfortable wearing clothing. Others do not. If your pet hates dressing up, don’t dress him up. And if he loves dressing up, be sure to choose a costume that is safe. Your pet’s costume should allow him to breathe, see, and move freely. He should be able to go to the bathroom, eat, drink, and bark or meow while wearing his costume. Never force your pet to wear a costume in which he doesn’t feel comfortable, even it makes him look cute as a button.
2. Mind the doorbell
Does your pet get excited—perhaps too excited—when someone comes to the door? If so, put him in a dimly lit, comfortable room with soft music or a television on in the background to help muffle the sounds of ghosts and goblins ringing the doorbell. Bring in his bed, a few favorite toys, and something to keep him occupied, like a puzzle toy with treats hidden inside.
3. Keep the candy away
They’re really not great for any of us, but many sugary treats can cause much more harm than a bellyache for our pets. Chocolate can be toxic to both cats and dogs, and many other ingredients in candy can spell trouble for our furry friends. Even the sugar-free varieties, which are often sweetened with xylitol—are dangerous. Be sure all candy is picked up and put into a safe location before bedtime. For a list of substances toxic to pets, visit the Pet Poison Helpline, and call our office if you think your pet might have accidentally consumed Halloween candy.
When these simple precautions are taken, Halloween can be a fun time for humans and a safe time for your furry pal. Questions or concerns? Contact us.